Yin Executive Services
Yin Executive Services
Yin Executive Services
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Number of employees
0 - 1 employees

Yin Executive Services help Businesses, Executives, Business Owners & Entrepreneurs optimize their effectiveness & time by providing Executive Virtual Assistance. Supporting local and international businesses, we provide a comprehensive, efficient, and trusted virtual assistance service, pertaining to executive business administration, marketing assistance, project management, operations and event management. We provide a tailored package of services based upon your priorities, budget, time, and goals as a business.

Any Business & management Business services Human resources & recruitment Real estate

Recent projects

Marketing Management (Marketing Plan)

- Marketing strategy review- Segmentation and targeting the best audience- Marketing Mix strategy (Product, Place, Price and Promotion).- Social Media Analysis- Conduct external desk analysis- Developing an integrated online/offline communication strategy.Please note that this is a top-line strategy with recommendations and examples based on the review of your business. However, it will not provide any specific tactics or deliverables other than the plan, like implementing changes on the website or creating content.

Admin Yin Lau
Matches 1

Digital Marketing Strategy and Research

We want students to help us develop a digital marketing strategy to grow and engage our target market. We’d like to know how we can maximize different channels and what will work best for us.The main questions we’d like students to help us answer are the following:How should we promote our company more effectively to share knowledge and eventually funnel people to a course that is in an early building stage?What can we improve upon on our social media channels and how to implement this?What messaging should we use? What are our competitors doing?Are there other VA related courses out there? How effective are they? What are they using to market? Is there something missing that I could target in my future course?competitor analysis, & differentiation from the competition, pricing strategies, suggested selling price

Admin Yin Lau
Matches 0
Category Competitive analysis + 4

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