Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium
Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Canadian Advanced Air Mobility (CAAM) is a Federal Not For Profit organization that acts as the catalyst for the new Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) industry. CAAM has partnered with over 50 organizations including industry, academia, private capital and all three levels of Canadian government to launch projects aimed at getting the AAM industry off the ground. Our goal is to create a national AAM strategy for Canada while implementing regional revenue generating use cases. CAAM was founded in partnership with Canada's leading federal research and development organization, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). Together, CAAM and the NRC collaborate with Canadian regulators Transport Canada and NAV CANADA to create the clearest path for connecting Canada and the world through the future of flight.

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Airlines, aviation & aerospace

Recent projects

Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium - Sales + Marketing + Data

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET:We're excited to find 3 energetic students looking to learn more about the future of zero emission aviation! We need help organizing the hundreds of people and organizations from government, industry and academia that continue to join our mission to have all flights within 500km operating with zero emissions by 2040. All of these different organizations want to stay engaged about what's happening int his industry, and our success as a not for profit comes when we can effectively engage with all of them. Currently, our focus is only on the big companies that are financially supporting our projects, but we have SO many amazing people and organizations that have signed up to learn more and stay updated - and we're doing a poor job of engaging with them. We need help organizing all of these companies and contacts in our customer relationship management platform(Hubspot) and building a system to ensure that as we grow even bigger in future years, we don't need to do this again. If we can properly categorize all of these companies and contacts, we can more effectively communicate with them and keep them engaged about this new industry. And if we have engaged companies and contacts, it will make getting this new industry off the ground even easier.HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE?/DE COMBIEN D’ÉTUDIANTS AVEZ-VOUS BESOIN POUR EXÉCUTER CE PROJET?3TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT/TEMPS DE TRAVAIL PAR ÉTUDIANT: 70 KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET:Understanding our business model and the purpose of our engagement with contacts and companiesLearning how to use Hubspot and how to apply it's tools effectively when building out our CRM ArchitectureRebuilding our current company and contact records to effectively segment these records to allow us to engage with themBuilding an automated system to allow this framework to continue as new contacts and companies enter this systemIDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Data Manager - responsible for leading the groups management of the company and contact datasets are clean and appropriately organized according to the framework established by the group. Each week of the 7 weeks, the Data manager will present to the group the collective work of the group in relation to the dataset(company and contact records). CRM Manager - responsible for leading the groups understanding of Hubspot and its related features. Each week, the CRM manager will present their learnings in terms of how Hubspot uses company and contact records in order to achieve our stated goals. Our understanding of hubspot will drastically change the way we segment our data.Marketing Manager - responsible for leading the groups understanding of how we intend to use the data in terms of building engagement through marketing efforts. Our understanding of how we intend to use this data to engage with companies and contacts will drastically change the way we organize our records.FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET:Reorganized and clean contact and company records within Hubspot which allow for effective and engaging communications with all of our stakeholdersA learning session with all members of the CAAM team about what has been done and how it can help us all engage with our stakeholdersA reports view in Hubspot which show a breakdown of the contact and company records by major categories as deemed important by the teamAutomations that continue segmenting/tagging new contacts and companies in accordance with the framework establishedIN WHAT LANGUAGE WILL THIS PROJECT BE PROVIDED/DANS QUELLE LANGUE CE PROJET SERA-T-IL FOURNI: EnglishPROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Chris Howe

Admin Chris Howe
Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 4