CSV Midstream Solutions Corp
CSV Midstream Solutions Corp
CSV Midstream Solutions Corp
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

IT Business Continuity with Disaster Recovery Focus

Our Goal:We are slowly moving to cloud based servers, however we do not have a detailed disaster recovery plan created.Our goal is to have the students review and evaluate our current business continuity procedures (at the moment we have a few procedures in place however nothing concrete) then provide recommendations on updating plan. We want to develop a detailed, written business continuity plan following industry standards.What we expect the students to work on:Evaluate our current business continuity proceduresProvide advice based on industry standards for creating a planOur network is mostly virtualized (VMWare is the platform used)Currently using VMWare back up software.Create a failover system (ie create a plan to start up remotely or in the cloud should something occur in order to be able to provide IT services 24/7)Experience in networks and storage is preferredExpected DeliverableA written review and report of current and recommended disaster recovery plan based on industry standards.

Admin Larry Saviskoff
Matches 1
Category Information technology + 2

App Development and Real-Time Data Visualization

The primary focus for the student(s) will be: improving the state of our data visualization and analysis at our industrial facility for the purposes of identifying trends and making recommendations.Application Development - Selecting the best technologies for creating the application or feature (i.e. a real-time chat function); creating a fully-functioning application.Software Architecture Development - Architecting the software of a new product; improving the architecture of an existing system; porting an architecture of one system into another.Software Evaluation - Conducting a needs analysis; researching available options; evaluating the options within the context of our organization's budget, immediate needs, and projected needs.Machine Learning Software Solution - Creating a recommendation engine; spotting trends in existing data; spotting anomalies in data sets. Real-Time Data Visualization - Creating a charting system with basic querying functionality; creating a dashboard to visualize key performance metrics of our organization or tool.Database Analysis - Decreasing query execution time; Changing ORM code in hotspots to more efficient SQL.Our goal at the end of this experience is: Application Development - For the student(s) to create a fully functioning application.Software Architecture Development - For the student(s) to provide a solution to our architecture issue to ensure optimal performance and sustainability.Software Evaluation - For the student(s) to help us choose the most ideal software to invest in based on our user and/or organizational needs.Application Programming Interfaces - For the student(s) to help us redesign an interface or hep us implement a new API.Machine Learning Software Solution - For the student(s) to help us develop effective machine learning solutions that improve our customers' experience each time they interact with our brand.Real-Time Data Visualization - For the student(s) to help us devise and implement a data visualization system to help our organization derive insights to inform decision-making.Database Analysis - For the student(s) to help us improve our data storage and querying.Other duties the student may complete could include:Software vendor research and evaluationAssisting with other process improvement projectsUnit and integration testingResponding to IT/Service Desk requestsWe will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, slack, teams and emailStudent's primary contact: Brett Wightman, Energy Engineer

Admin Brett Wightman
Matches 1
Category Information technology + 2

Environmental Data Analysis and Carbon Reporting

We’d like students to help utilize our datasets to produce environmental carbon intensity reporting.From this analysis, we hope to not only improve our processes and understanding but also gain insights that will enhance our carbon strategy. These insights will be directly related to business decisions and outcomes.

Admin Brett Wightman
Matches 1
Category Databases + 4