All Access Now
All Access Now
All Access Now
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Website Development

Our company provides programs and information to the low income community. We also connect not for profit organizations and people together. We hope to build upon and complete our website to attract organizations, people and get more funding.We would like to work with students to develop a website that is easy to maintain while providing an appealing interface for users. This can be achieved through a common site building tool such as square space.This will involve different steps for the students, including:Site style and how the information is presented. Team work and communication building.Building a website, with our assistance in providing the content.Providing training on updating and maintaining the website.Working with members and refining ideas with feedback.

Admin Basil Campbell
Matches 0
Category Website development + 3

Fundraising Plan

Our organization is committed to serving our target population. However, we are currently facing funding challenges.We would like to collaborate with students to develop a fundraising plan to meet our goals.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our mission, values and goals.Conducting background research on fundraising strategies.Recommending suitable fundraising strategies and creating a timeline / calendar of these activities.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Assisting in implementing new fundraising activities.

Admin Basil Campbell
Matches 0
Category Social work + 2