
Steps Foundation, Inc
Steps Foundation, Inc
St. Cloud, Florida, United States

Step’s Foundation Inc’s mission is to connect members of the local community to both valuable resources, and most importantly, each other through the administration of community workshops, support groups, career support services, and other social services. With a focus on youth development, youth leadership, family engagement and family empowerment, Step’s Foundation, Inc aims to lay a foundation of continued support for the whole community to grow together.

Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society

Recent projects

Grant Writing

Our organization is interested in addressing social causes within our community. We're a small organization that has begun to grow pretty rapidly and we're in need of funding to continue the work that we do. We work closely with at-risk youth and their families through life skills and peer support programs. We would like to collaborate with students to find and complete grant applications.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our vision statement and a project we have defined.Developing a needs statement that characterizes the community problem and justifies the need for our project and funding.Identifying potential sponsors and funding opportunities that are a good fit for our organization and project.Improving the clarity and persuasiveness of our company's grant proposal writing.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Identifying new opportunities for community projects.

Admin Abigail Ellis
Matches 0
Category Humanities + 1

Program Curriculum and Workbook Design

Our organization provides life skills workshops and peer support groups for at risk youth in our community. We are looking to develop a curriculum that will become seamless for volunteers to use when working with our youth. We provide in-person and virtual workshops and we want the same curriculum to be used for both. We would like to work with students to determine what materials would find useful to go into the curriculum and workbook for students. Based on this information, students can then recommend the design etc.Tasks include:Gathering relevant curriculum material based on the outline that will be given and content information from our previous courses.Researching options for curriculum and workbook ideas.Assessing existing content and material and making suggestions and improvements.Assisting in designing the curriculum and workbook.

Admin Abigail Ellis
Matches 1
Category Education + 1

Latest feedback

Mona Ibrahim She
Professor of Psychology at Concordia College
April 27, 2024
Project feedback
Good project. Communication could be more consistent.
Concordia College
Improving/Optimizing Performance
Concordia College
Steps Foundation, Inc
Program Curriculum and Workbook Design
Steps Foundation, Inc
Austin Fellman
Austin Fellman He / Him
April 26, 2024
Project feedback
This was a great approach to a different learning experience and was a high-collaborative project "in the classroom," which was great when working with my peers, Megan & Jonah! I did enjoy that I was given creative decisions over how I wanted to execute teaching content. That was the best thing that came out of this work-based learning program. What was not executed well was good, consistent, and clear communication from our employer. As a team, we had one meeting with her and that was it. Followed by a few emails as a "Hey, how is it going..." with no response to follow. Along with unclear instructions on how she wanted this content that we were to create be excited specifically in a way that follows "Program Curriculum and Workbook Design." I am happy I got this experience as the skills I used to put together some content, can help me be a better teacher as I structure teaching content in a way that is easily taught through the educator resources given to educators. As the spring semester got busy during the months of working on this learning experience, the 15 hours that we were to get done were not feasible. With breaks, traveling for classes, etc., there was little time (for this selection of work) to get accomplished. If this WBL is used again, I would 1) lessen the hours to complete to 10 or 2) extend the time to the end of April as it gives everyone on the team longer to complete the allotted hours. Overall, a very 'mid' experience! Did not know what to expect, but I was not hoping for this outcome.
Concordia College
Improving/Optimizing Performance
Concordia College
Steps Foundation, Inc
Program Curriculum and Workbook Design
Steps Foundation, Inc