Social Media Marketing Website

Canadian Contractor Services
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience or paid work
Advertising Digital marketing Marketing strategy Social media marketing
business objectives search engine optimization ethical standards and conduct affiliate marketing social media competitive analysis target audience planning native advertising infographics
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?


  1. Knowledge Acquisition: Students will gain a deep understanding of the role of social media in modern marketing, the benefits it offers to businesses, and the various strategies and techniques involved in successful business social media marketing.
  2. Skill Development: Students will develop practical skills related to content creation, search engine optimization (SEO) for social media, visual content creation, social media platform setup and customization, promotion, analytics, and monetization.
  3. Strategic Thinking: Students will learn how to plan and execute a social media marketing strategy that aligns with business goals, targets the right audience, and drives results. They will also explore advanced topics and emerging trends in business social media marketing to stay ahead of the curve.
  4. Application of Concepts: Through the final project, students will apply the concepts and techniques learned throughout the project to develop a comprehensive social media marketing strategy proposal for a fictional or real business. This hands-on experience will allow them to demonstrate their understanding and showcase their ability to create actionable plans for social media marketing success.
  5. Critical Thinking and Analysis: Students will analyze case studies, evaluate different social media platforms and monetization strategies, and interpret social media performance metrics to make informed decisions and optimize their social media marketing strategies.
  6. Ethical Considerations: Students will explore legal and ethical considerations related to social media marketing, including copyright laws, disclosure requirements for sponsored content, and protecting intellectual property rights. They will learn to navigate these considerations responsibly and ethically in their social media marketing endeavors. Overall, the main objective of the project is to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and strategic mindset needed to leverage social media as a powerful tool for driving traffic, engaging audiences, and achieving business objectives in the digital age.


Here are the summary tasks to achieve to complete the project:

(Subject revision upon student feedback)

1.      Pick a platform that you would like to focus on. That could be LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google my business or either of the two websites.

2.     In the Google Drive provided, you'll find a folder titled "ON BOARDING NEW HIRES" containing a document offering a high-level summary of the project. The Drive is structured to accommodate various folders with all necessary project information.


3.     Assist in developing 3 branding/marketing strategies for Canadian Contractor Services in any of the business silos available. Consult with owner throughout this process to firm up details.

4.     Choose and name any 50 photos or videos in any of the Google Drive timed folders as per the “Naming Conventions”.

5.     Organize those 50 files and all related data to all folders as per the “Organizational Guidelines”.

6.     Edit and create 25 posts as per “Creative Guidelines” using the skillset you bring to the project. You are basically editing this material for the platform you choose to post to.   All of your work will eventually be posted to our YouTube business channel or a multitude of different platforms like YouTube shorts, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Rumble, Blog posts etc.

7.     Assist in developing a posting template and routine for your work on either the WordPress website or through Zoho social platform.

8.     Choose 3-5 posts that showcase the best of your skills and creativity for the Riipen terms and condition requirements and submit to the portal.

Website :

Google Reviews:




Twitter/ X:

LinkedIn Business Page:

Google My Business:

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Project Overview: This project provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and execute successful business social media marketing strategies. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, practical exercises, and case studies, students will learn how to create engaging content, optimize social media posts for search engines, and leverage social media as a powerful tool for driving traffic, generating leads, and building brand awareness.

Module 1: Introduction to Business Social Media Marketing

  • Understanding the role of social media in modern marketing
  • Benefits of social media marketing for companies of all sizes
  • Overview of different types of social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)

Module 2: Planning Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

  • Setting goals and objectives for your social media presence
  • Identifying your target audience and understanding their needs
  • Conducting competitive analysis and market research

Module 3: Content Creation and Ideation

  • Generating ideas for social media posts that resonate with your audience.
  • Understanding different content formats (articles, lists, infographics, videos, etc.)
  • Writing compelling and engaging social media posts that drive action.

Module 4: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Social media

  • Introduction to SEO principles and best practices
  • Optimizing social media posts for relevant keywords and phrases
  • Utilizing on-page and off-page SEO techniques to improve social media visibility.

Module 5: Crafting Killer Headlines and Introductions

  • Importance of headlines and introductions in capturing readers' attention
  • Techniques for writing attention-grabbing headlines and introductions.
  • Crafting headlines and introductions that are both SEO-friendly and engaging.

Module 6: Visual Content Creation

  • Importance of visual content in business social media
  • Creating high-quality images, graphics, and videos for your social media
  • Tools and resources for designing visual content.

Module 7: Building Your Social mediag Platform (ALREADY SET UP)

  • Selecting the right social media platform (WordPress, Social mediager, Medium, etc.)
  • Setting up and customizing your social media for optimal performance
  • Integrating your social media with other marketing channels (social media, email marketing, etc.)

Module 8: Promoting Your Social media.

  • Developing a promotional strategy to drive traffic to your social media.
  • Leveraging social media, email marketing, and other channels to promote social media content.
  • Engaging with your audience and building relationships with influencers

Module 9: Analyzing and Measuring social media Performance

  • Setting up Google Analytics to track social media traffic and user behavior.
  • Interpreting key metrics and KPIs (traffic, engagement, conversions, etc.)
  • Using data to optimize your social media strategy and improve performance.

Module 10: Monetization Strategies

  • Exploring different monetization strategies for business social medias (advertising, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, etc.)
  • Developing a monetization plan that aligns with your goals and audience
  • Ethical considerations and best practices for monetizing your social media

Module 11: Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • Understanding copyright and fair use laws for social media content
  • Disclosing sponsored content and adhering to FTC guidelines
  • Protecting your social media and intellectual property rights

Module 12: Advanced Topics and Emerging Trends

  • Exploring advanced social media techniques (guest social media, content syndication, etc.)
  • Keeping up with emerging trends in business social media (voice search, AI-driven content, etc.)
  • Preparing for the future of social media in a rapidly evolving digital landscape

Final Project: Social media Strategy Proposal

  • Students will develop a comprehensive social media strategy proposal for a fictional or real business, incorporating concepts and techniques learned throughout the project. The proposal will include goals, target audience analysis, content calendar, promotional plan, and performance metrics.


By completing this project, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to create and execute successful business social media strategies that drive traffic, engage audiences, and deliver measurable results for companies across industries.

Supported causes
Decent work and economic growth
About the company

Our organization has a compelling vision to contribute significantly to the growth and development of the Canadian construction sector.

Mission Statement: Canadian Contractor Services is dedicated to providing unparalleled construction and contracting services, emphasizing quality, innovation, and client satisfaction.

Our mission is to be a trusted partner in building and renovating homes and commercial spaces, leveraging our expertise to exceed industry standards and contribute to the overall advancement of the Canadian construction landscape.


1. Quality Construction:
• We are committed to delivering construction projects of the highest quality, adhering to rigorous standards and best practices.
2. Innovation and Sustainability:
• We strive to incorporate innovative and sustainable practices into our projects, contributing to environmental stewardship and energy efficiency.
3. Client-Centric Approach:
• Our mandate includes a strong focus on understanding and exceeding client expectations, fostering lasting relationships built on trust and transparency.
4. Workforce Development:
• Canadian Contractor Services is dedicated to investing in the development of our workforce, ensuring a skilled and proficient team capable of meeting the evolving needs of the construction industry.
5. Community Engagement:
• We actively engage with local communities, contributing to their economic development and well-being through responsible construction practices and community outreach initiatives.
As a responsible and forward-thinking entity, Canadian Contractor Services seeks to align its mission and mandate with the objectives and priorities of the Canadian government. We believe that our commitment to excellence, innovation, and community engagement closely aligns with the broader goals of fostering economic growth, sustainable development, and the overall well-being of Canadian citizens.

We welcome the opportunity to further discuss how Canadian Contractor Services can contribute to and collaborate with government initiatives aimed at advancing the construction sector and ensuring the prosperity of our communities.

Thank you for considering our mission and mandate. We look forward to the possibility of working collaboratively to achieve shared objectives.