Level UP: First Year Experience Mentorship (Phase 3)

Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Communications Leadership Organizational structure Humanities Education
leadership mentorship
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Positions available: 115

December 2021 - January 2022

10 hours/week for 8 weeks

All first-year students will be grouped in cohorts based on faculty or program and will be assigned an upper year student as a mentor. The start of the term is when most students need support; a mentor will organize virtual meetings, activities and socials while providing guidance for a smooth transition to university life.

Mentors will:

  • Get thorough mentorship training and knowledge of MacEwan student services
  • Enhance their leadership skills through positive role modelling
  • Add to your career profile and gain a co-curricular record position
  • Contribute to a positive campus culture experience
About the company

Think of your career path as a journey—an adventure that begins the moment you set foot on campus. Like a true adventurer, you let curiosity and passion guide you. The traits you nurture and the experiences you gain along the way prepare you for the world of work. At Careers and Experience (formerly Career Development and Experiential Learning), we help you navigate your career path with confidence. We are your guides—giving advice, providing resources, organizing events, letting you know about extra-curricular activities and supporting experiential learning opportunities, such as placements and co-ops. We ask questions that will get you thinking about the transition from classroom to career.