Website, App, Database Development for Trades (Phase 4)

TRU Career and Experiential Learning
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Co-op Coordinator
Preferred learners
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • Academic experience
Data analysis Product or service launch Information technology
project management database development content creation database systems database management pilot experiment
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Number of students: 1

TRU School of Trades and Technology offers foundation and apprenticeship training in 20 trades backed by the Industry Training Authority of BC. This summer school of Trades and Technology is looking for a project manager to assist the oversight and development of a new website, app and database system.

This 8 phase project will help with developing skills in project management, database management, website content creation and app design.

Phase 4 - Develop an app for the Trade-Up ITA pilot project

About the company

Thompson Rivers University, or TRU, is a comprehensive, learner-centred, environmentally responsible institution that serves its regional, national, and international learners and their communities through high quality and flexible education, training, research and scholarship. Thompson Rivers University, or TRU, is a comprehensive, learner-centred, environmentally responsible institution that serves its regional, national, and international learners and their communities through high quality and flexible education, training, research and scholarship. Riipen is centrally organized through the TRU Career and Experiential Learning Department-faculty questions regarding the Riipen platform can be sent to Larry Iles, Senior Faculty CEL