Level up - Digital Literacy and Health

Project Adult Literacy Society
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Digital Literacy Coordinator
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Communications Education
health literacy digital literacy lesson planning booking (sales)
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Positions available: 1

Navigating the online world to find reliable health care information is challenging for individuals with low digital literacy. We want to develop a digital health literacy workshop which will give our learners the skills they need to find reliable health information online. The skills covered in this workshop will include online safety and privacy, how to navigate the Alberta Health Services website, finding health care professionals online, booking online appointments, and identifying accurate and reliable online source for health information.

The scope of this project is to plan and develop materials for this workshop. This will include lesson plans, learner workbooks, and information pamphlets. If time permits you will also assist with the delivery of the workshop.

About the company

PALS is a not-for-profit organization based in Edmonton that helps adult learners improve their reading, writing, speaking, math and digital skills. We have operated in Edmonton for over 40 years.