June 2024 Mobile Website Update for I Challenge Diabetes

I Challenge Diabetes
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Imran Nathani
Operations Manager
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Information technology Databases
diabetes mellitus web accessibility testing front end design data collection
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is to update the backend and frontend of the mobile website used to collect campers' blood sugars for use at diabetes sports camps over the summer. Additionally, the project aims to create a one-pager user guide for the staff on how to best utilize the mobile website.

This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:

- Understanding the current functionality and limitations of the existing mobile website.

- Updating the backend of the website to improve data collection and storage.

- Updating the frontend to enhance user experience and accessibility.

- Testing the updated website to ensure it functions as intended.

- Creating a one-pager user guide for the staff on how to effectively use the mobile website.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, learners should complete the following tasks:

- Updated backend and frontend of the mobile website.

- Testing documentation and results to ensure the website functions properly.

- One-pager user guide for staff on how to best utilize the mobile website.

- Final report detailing the updates made and the rationale behind the changes.

- Presentation to the I Challenge Diabetes team explaining the updates and how to use the new features.

Supported causes
Good health and well-being
About the company

ICD is the charity that focuses on delivering the most engaging, inspiring, and empowering opportunities to the type 1 community.

We do not shy away from the tough questions. Together amongst peers, we build the skills and courage to face whatever obstacles come our way. We practice them together, leveraging our combined strengths.

Each individual may have a different starting point and we meet there to create and celebrate goals together. Life with diabetes demands a lot of us, but the resulting strength gained can expand our horizons.