
Sunset Tv
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
sunset TV
Editor In Cheif
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Creative writing Media
target market blog posts marketing article (publishing)
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We would like to collaborate with students to create article posts that drive more traffic to our website.

This will involve several different steps for the students, including:

  • Familiarizing themselves with our goals, target market, products and services.
  • Recommending topics for our blog posts.
  • Drafting blog posts relevant to our business.
  • Revising blog posts based on feedback.

Bonus steps in the process would also include:

  • Recommending ways to market our blog.
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, students should demonstrate:

  • Familiarity with our goals, target market, products and services
  • Recommendation of blog post topics
  • Drafts for relevant blog posts
  • Revisions of blog posts

Bonus steps would include:

  • Recommending blog marketing strategies

Final deliverables should include

  • Article posts.
  • Article posters
About the company

Sunset TV helps bring real life news and updates about current events happening around the world. With the focus on providing readers a unbiased reading experience.