Regenquest development 1 A

Project: Human City
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
James Rhule
Managing Partner
Academic experience
120 hours of work total
Intermediate level

Project scope

Website development Mobile app development Information technology Software development Data science
development environment user profile

Mobile Development Internship

  • Support the development of Project: Human City Mobile app and web app projects
  • Develop unique features and test the function of existing features and infrastructure assets
  • Work collaboratively and develop coding skills in a team environment

  1. Construct user profiles for each additional functionality to be developed in the project
  2. Study current development environment and active endpoints
  3. Research open source repos and services that best align with user needs
  4. Develop functionalities listed in the goal section
  5. User test functionalities
  6. Push functions to live version

Students will have access to:

  • Trello,
  • A dedicated slack channel with access to Organization staff as needed,
  • google suite
  • Canva
  • GitHub
  • Access to user testing groups

About the company

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2 - 10 employees
Telecommunications, Technology, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society, It & computing
BIPOC-Owned Disabled-Owned Small Business Neurodivergent-Owned

The People Planning Project is an attempt to reach an unprecedented level of bioethics in which every human is guaranteed his or her basic needs are met. The People Planning Project strives for the global establishment of IoT infrastructure, free access to the Internet, a global standardized free education system, social learning, environmental stewardship and equal opportunity for all.