Pricing and Inventory Management System

Artista Studios & Monuments
Bridgeport, Connecticut, United States
Preferred learners
  • United States
  • Academic experience or paid work
Accounting Data analysis Sales strategy
inventory management google sheets inventory analysis financial analysis pricing systems financial statements data entry spreadsheets wholesaling sales
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

This project's has two main goals. First, we would like to develop a 2022 a pricing system in Freshbooks which will enable our sales people to build quotes for each of our products. Currently we are calculating our product prices manually. This has led to many errors; both under and overpricing products. Second, we would like to improve our inventory and cost basis analysis by assigning inventory numbers to every product. This will improve our ability to produce an accurate inventory asset expense and income report for our year-end financial reports and help us plan inventory purchases for 2023.

In order to accomplish our goals, all tasks for this project will involve enhancing and updating our product pricing spreadsheet for our three companies in Google Sheets or Excel. There are approximately 3,000 products which are organized by company, color, dimension, and features.

Effectively the entire spreadsheet is formula based.

The main tasks will include:

  • Data input of new 2022 wholesale pricing into the master spreadsheet.
  • Updating the formulas for each product. Each company, product and color has a different multiplier.
  • Adding a product inventory number for every product on the master sheet. Product inventory numbers will be organized by color and dimension.

Once master spreadsheet is completely updated; you will create two additional duplicate spreadsheets for our two subsidiaries and update the formula for both spreadsheets.

Then each master spreadsheet will be imported into Freshbooks by company.

You should focus on the detail:

  • the wholesale and retail price are input accurately
  • every formula needs to produce the correct retail price
  • every inventory product number needs to follow the correct color, product dimensions

The final project will be tested by the following parameters:

  • we will create quotes within FreshBooks and check if the new 2022 pricing is producing accurate quotes by product, color, dimension add on-features

Later in the year, we will create a new project that will focus on the following financial analysis (this does not have to be done by the same intern)

  • conduct a cost analysis of all the products we sold in the first three quarters of 2022.
  • conduct and inventory analysis of all inventory sold in the first three quarters by product, color, dimension and features.
  • The results of both reports will be used to make changes in our 2023 pricing and inventory purchases.
About the company

Artista Studios & Monument Works manufactures, sells and repairs granite and marble monuments and statues. Our team includes artists., stone carvers and headstone sales and designers. We fabricate and install monuments in all of Fairfield and Westchester County. We serve both local client and those out of state through Zoom meetings, email, phone and test messaging. We repair most statues made of granite, marble, plaster and lead. Most of our repair clients come from the New England area including Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey.