Keyword & Metadata Logging for Video Production

Distill Media
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Curtis Allen
Owner: Distill Media
Preferred learners
  • Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
  • Academic experience
Videography Communications
video production metadata typing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Distill Media is a video production company based in Kelowna BC. For one of our biggest clients, we are often asked to find and use video clips that we have shot over the last three years for use in current videos. To become more efficient, we are applying keywords to each raw video clip in our archive so that we can simply search for clips in the future.

We would like students to help us keep our library of client footage organized, by viewing video clips on our server and typing/applying searchable keywords for each clip.

This project is perfect for someone with an eye for detail, and the discernment to figure out what each shot/video project is about so that the right keywords can be applied. (Homeless man, instead of just 'man') for example.

If this sounds like the type of job for you, and are ready to tackle this challenge with us, then we'd love to hear from you.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

To accomplish this, we expect the student(s) will:

  • Remotely control one of our computers that runs the keywording software
  • View video content hosted on our server
  • Type keywords for what is seen in each clip
About the company

Distill Media is a video production company in the interior of British Columbia dedicated to the “essentials of visual storytelling”: isolating and expressing the core messages of businesses and organizations through video. We provide industry-leading products with high return on investment.