Exavier Promotional Content Creation

Exavier Business Services
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Chief Executive Officer
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Graphic design Illustration Communications Public relations Social media marketing
slack (software) value propositions scheduling business valuation graphic design communication storyboarding conceptualization social media marketing digital marketing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We want to set our platform and brand apart from the competition with vibrant, compelling member/consumer acquisition promotional contents and videos for our website which explains our value proposition to potential members in a fun but engaging way. We would like an intern to, design, conceptualize, storyboard, script, produce, and edit promotional content that highlights Exavier’s business value prop and encourages pre-registration and interest across our three customer segments.

Communication and Working Style

We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern(s) using these communication tools Zoom, Email, Slack, Cellphone Messaging Groups, GoogleDrive, Riipen Messaging.

This is an opportunity where we are looking for students to join our business launch team of 5 industry professionals and attend regular meetings with us on weekdays, weeknights and weekend and to work in partnership with us, as well as being able to work independently on project deliverables as required.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

We think this project could include the following stages:

  • Design and conceptualization of key messaging and visual approach for intended customer segments
  • Storyboard pitch and approval
  • Script pitch and approval
  • Graphic or animation design storyboarding
  • Filming scheduling or graphic design animation of animated video
  • Post-production
  • Final video or promotional content presentation
  • Creating and launching social media and digital marketing campaigns to raise awareness of our platform launch and to direct traffic to our splash page and promotional video

Our goal at the end of this experience is that students have collaborated and partnered with us to help us to:

  • Strategic Social Media Marketing – Launch our social media presence and/or other current communication channel(s); develop and implement strategies for improving our online presence and increasing engagement with our website and promotional video

About the company
  • https://exavier.io
  • Technology, Business services, Automotive, Banking & finance, Construction, engineering & trades

Exavier is a technology platform for Independent Worker, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs that addresses barriers to entry by significantly reducing or removing upfront start-up costs and also helps new or existing business to optimize their administrative processes and workflows.

Exavier leverages the very best features of the sharing economy, corporate partnerships and online marketplaces to offer a one-stop shop, educational tool and business development pipeline for those wanting to work for themselves or explore entrepreneurship from the roots up.