Email Marketing Campaign

Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Communications Digital marketing
newsletters email marketing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We would like to work with students to design a new email marketing campaign for our company.

This will involve several different steps for the students, including:

  • Familiarizing themselves with our company’s products, email marketing campaign goals and target market.
  • Identifying types of emails and content that our company should send out such as welcome emails, newsletters, and re-engagement emails.
  • Researching factors affecting the effectiveness of email marketing such as when emails are sent and making recommendations.
  • Identifying metrics to monitor throughout the campaign.

Bonus steps in the process would also include:

  • Identifying ways to personalize emails for customers based on market segmentation.
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, students should demonstrate:

  • Understanding of our company’s products and goals
  • Identification of suitable email types and content
  • Understanding of factors affecting emails’ effectiveness
  • Identification of metrics to monitor the campaign’s success

Bonus steps would include:

  • Recommending strategies to personalize emails

Final deliverables should include

  • A 10-minute presentation
  • A email campaign plan
About the company

At Global Fight Against Human Trafficking, we are dedicated to eradicating the heinous crime of human trafficking and empowering survivors on their journey to reclaim their lives. Our organization stands at the forefront of the global battle against this grave violation of human rights, advocating for a world where every individual is free from the chains of exploitation.