Online Training Course Design

Skillcity Institute
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Training & development Education
workforce development
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Skillcity Institute provides essential skills training programs and workforce development services. We seek support to design a new online training course with a bold curriculum that will lead to a recognized certificate. To make training more convenient, we hope to transform our training programs into online courses. The course outline will be provided to students.

We would like to work with students to determine what features, content, and materials should be included in the online training course. Based on this information, students can then recommend the platform that would be most suitable.

Tasks include:

  • Gathering relevant course design and content information from interviews / surveys with key stakeholders.
  • Researching options for our online training platform.
  • Assessing existing online training platforms and recommending the best platform for our course.
  • Reviewing our existing training material and making recommendations.
  • Assisting in designing the course and revising training material.
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, students should demonstrate:

  • Understanding of our company’s training programs
  • Understanding of possible online training platforms
  • Evaluation of options and recommendations for the best platform

Bonus steps would include:

  • Reviewing our training material and suggesting areas for improvement

Final deliverables should include

  • A final report on the decision-making process and associated costs.
Supported causes
Decent work and economic growth
About the company

Welcome to Skillcity! Sweet dreams are made of skills! Every individual is unique; so is their pathway to greatness. Let's help you find your genius! Our mission is to bridge the skills gap through innovative programs designed to help young people gain the skills and competences they need to succeed in a fast-changing world of work with evolving skills demands. We offer careers education, STEM talent development, and cultivate 21st Century skills for economic mobility. We are raising the next generation of innovators, engineers, solution architects, scientists and problem-solvers equipped to solve the world's most pressing problems. Creating access to quality education, employment, and entrepreneurship opportunities is our strategy for creating a gateway to economic prosperity for all."