Social Media and Go-To-Market Strategy for a Health Tech Startup

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Cindy Diogo
Cindy Diogo She / Her
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience or paid work
Marketing Product or service launch
go-to-market strategy social media social media campaigns
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is to create and execute a social media campaign strategy for Consoul, as well as develop and execute a go-to-market strategy for the launch of their web application. This will involve revamping existing social media tools such as the website, and creating new presences on Facebook and YouTube.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

- Analyze the current social media presence and website of Consoul.

- Develop a comprehensive social media campaign strategy.

- Create and execute a go-to-market strategy for the web application launch.

- Redesign and update the existing website and social media tools.

- Establish new social media presences on Facebook and YouTube.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

At Consoul, we pride ourselves on having laid a solid foundation for our social media campaigns and go-to-market strategy. The groundwork and research are already in place, presenting a unique opportunity for you to actively contribute to the execution phase. Your role would involve leveraging various cutting-edge tools at your disposal to bring these strategies to life. We are dedicated to fostering an environment that encourages exploration and learning, so feel free to propose and test out any ideas that spark your interest.

In addition to the wealth of resources available to you, we conduct weekly check-ins to ensure you're on the right track and provide a platform for any questions or insights you might have. Our team is readily available to guide and collaborate with you throughout your internship journey.

Supported causes
Good health and well-being
About the company

Consoul is a digital wellness platform that provides caregivers with resources and support to prevent burnout.

Consoul's unique value proposition lies in its innovative approach to providing personalized support for caregivers. Through our platform, caregivers have access to a marketplace of services, connect with social support and access a library of resources tailored to their specific caregiving situation.

Consoul's product is built on the foundation of trust, privacy, and convenience, offering caregivers a safe and reliable way to get the support they need.