Report on Family Disruption in Edmonton

Kids On Track
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Alberta, Canada
  • Academic experience
Social sciences
infographics demography caregiving research
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Create a summary report/briefing paper to provide information quickly and effectively focused on family disruption among school aged children related to divorce, separation, or loss of a primary caregiver in Edmonton.

Students will find, gather, and report on information from a variety of sources (academic sources and grey literature) to inform relevant stakeholders about key research findings and considerations on this topic. Although not limited to the following, the report is to include: a) key background and contextual information about the social issue (students can include information Edmonton, Alberta and Canada for broader context); b) information on (i) the percentage/number of families that have experienced family disruption related to divorce, separation, or loss of a primary caregiver in Edmonton and Alberta, and (ii) how many of these families have children and, if so, what are the ages of the children. c) an infographic that presents key background and contextual and demographic information quickly and clearly about the topic in an accessible and visually appealing way.

About the company

Kids On Track is a community-building organization that provides hope, direction, and ongoing support for children, youth, and their parents.
Educational, social, spiritual, and recreational elements are combined to deliver well-rounded programs. We cultivate relationships, encouraging participants in faith, character and leadership development, social skills, and a healthy lifestyle. We strive to support families experiencing limited opportunities due to various socioeconomic challenges.

Since 1992, we have expanded our programs to respond to changing needs in the community and new opportunities to help at-risk kids and their families. We currently have more than 1,000 participants actively engaged in our programs. Our volunteer base has grown to a team of more than 314 volunteers who collectively contributed 4,469 service hours in our last fiscal year (Sept. 1, 2018 – Aug. 31, 2019).