Bookkeeping and Accounting for Small Nonprofit

Academic experience
80 hours per learner
Intermediate level

Project scope

Accounting Operations Project management Product or service launch
bootstrap (front-end framework) finance quickbooks (accounting software) accounting software accounting spreadsheets bookkeeping

Offer Details

Functional/Experience Internships

Functional/experience internships are for students who are in an internship program that specifies a specific number of hours to work with a company per week for class credit and experience. Internships offered through Nonprofit Sector Foundation are unpaid at the moment, but in exchange we do offer a “what you put in is what you get” experience. You choose your schedule and time commitment alongside your school, and from there we’ll work to give you a hands-on experience working with our organization for the period of time you have chosen.

We need someone who loves numbers and spreadsheets, generating reports, and using accounting software (we use QuickBooks Premier - Nonprofit Edition), to help us catch up our books and follow our Board approved fiscal processes. This position will give you invaluable experience in helping to manage a small nonprofit organization on a bootstrap budget. This is a great opportunity for students looking for a career in Accounting or Finance

No deliverables exist for this project.

Students will be trained by the Executive Director whom they will report to. Students will be taught our board member approved fiscal management process.

About the company

0 - 1 employees
Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society

Nonprofit Sector Foundation was started in 2008 to support our fellow charities in delivering services efficiently and effectively. Through training workshops, networking events and case management, we assist nonprofits with business management and capacity building services. We focus on the small to mid-sized nonprofit as they are quite often overlooked for support services. Our goal is to establish our organization as a clearinghouse for nonprofits promoting healthy organizations within communities. We hope to grow as the "go-to" organization for connections to nonprofit resources. Our mission is to provide community and economic development resources and guidance for nonprofits in need.