Marketing & PR

Sangha Worldwide
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Market research Digital marketing Public relations Product or service launch Sales strategy
coaching market potential influencing skills marketing marketing channel lead generation consulting marketing strategies community leadership public relations
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We are a business and personal performance consulting and coaching firm that works with CEO's, executives, entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals.

This project will entail researching marketing strategies, market potential and public relations opportunities as well as execution on the tactical elements specific to marketing the book "The Complete Man" written by one of the founders. T

The book is about peforming your best as a man in all aspects of life including being a better business leader, husband, father, community leader, etc.

We are able to take on up to 5 students.

Students will spend the first half researching and creating strategy and the second half executing it.

Research will include finding the appropriate audience, drafting the appropriate messaging, testing audience sentiment, etc.

The execution of the project includes reaching out to key media channels, other marketing channels and building a network of centres of influence who can expand the reach of the book.

The end goal is to get public relations exposure on media, radio, etc. channels as well as create a lead generation system that works.

Students will be mentored directly by the founder and author of the book.

Overall responsibilities will include:

  • Researching (industry research, surveys, focus groups, etc)
  • Strategizing and developing marketing and PR tactics
  • Developing relationships and executing marketing and PR tactics.

About the company
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Sales, Business services, Education, Marketing & advertising, Business & management

We are a boutique business consulting and coaching firm focused on helping small and medium enterprises with the following: Business Growth, Strategy, Marketing, Innovation, Leadership and high-performance.