Custom Personalization Tool Development

Academic experience or paid work
150 hours of work total
Advanced level

Project scope

Data analysis
software design statistical modeling python (programming language) nodes (networking) press releases real time data roasting javascript (programming language) front end (software engineering) time management

Current Scenario:

Our current statistical model leverages data on consumers’ taste preferences, over a period of time, and only delivers coffees that match its customers’ taste preferences.

On the front-end, our customers rate their coffees in their personal dashboard. At the back end, the rating allows the company to understand each customer’s taste preferences, as well as to build each customer’s coffee profile which is presented in the customer’s dashboard via Radar Charts (specific to each customer’s profile). The coffee profile for each customer becomes apparent through periodic ratings by the customer.


The company is looking to fully automate its personalization process, by developing a personalization tool that will result in better time management of the company, and to provide real-time analytics to its customers.

The team of students will be responsible for developing a custom personalization tool/software that will contain all the process, including and not limited to:

  1. Data Entry and Access: Input from customers in the form of scale ratings and comments.
  2. Data Processing and Manipulation: Building a model that takes into consideration the relevant inputs.
  3. Data Visualization: creating a real-time visualization tool.
  4. Category Filter: customers’ will be categorized accordingly based on the results of their ratings (for back-end use purposes).
  5. Data Upload: Upload of real-time visualization tool in customers’ dashboard.

Resources we will provide:

  • Overview of the current process
  • Current and future model parameters and algorithm
  • Past and real-time data on customer’s ratings
  • Any other resources as may recommended by the team


  1. Flowchart of the software design containing nodes/packages used for each step
  2. Code formatted within a coding standard (preferred: Python and JavaScript) for the custom software
  3. Corresponding Documentation

More information about the company can be found by visiting the link below:

No deliverables exist for this project.

The students will be able to ask questions, set and showcase milestones at least twice per week through pre-scheduled zoom meetings.

About the company

2 - 10 employees
Food & beverage, Technology

Roasted Bean Box is an e-commerce coffee company that offers personalized coffee discovery directly to consumers in metropolitan cities. The company’s mission is to offer a highly personalized home-coffee drinking experience in the most eco-friendly manner./Roasted Bean Box est une entreprise de café en ligne qui offre une découverte personnalisée du café directement aux consommateur.trice.s dans les villes métropolitaines. La mission de l'entreprise est d'offrir une expérience personnalisée de consommation de café à domicile de la manière la plus écologique possible.