Marketing Strategy Plan

ASK KSA Consulting
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience or paid work
Competitive analysis Lead generation Search engine optimization Market expansion Marketing analytics
marketing strategies target market business strategies google analytics learning platforms niche markets marketing search engine optimization analytics data analysis
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

ASK KSA want students to help us build and execute a comprehensive marketing strategy plan to grow and engage our target market in three key areas of our business being:

  1. Online on demand course offerings
  2. In-house tailored courses to firms
  3. General consultation with our current and future clients

We would like to know how we can maximize use of our website in conjunction with our LinkedIn business page and posting. We would like to get recommendations to improve our messaging, strengthen our SEO, monitor our analytics and make changes as a result. We would also like to better understand our competitors in the online on demand course offering as this is a very competitive market and needs a very different marketing strategy than our other offerings as the latter two are very niche markets in which we do not have a lot of competitors.

The main questions we would like students to help us answer are the following:

  • How do students currently perceive our brand and marketing, based on publicly available information about our company?
  • What channels should we utilize for promotion for each of our different business strategies?
  • How do we leverage our website and increase traffic? How can we improve our SEO to cater to our target market and help potential customers find us?
  • How do we better utilize data analytics from our the various sources including Google analytics, analytics from the website itself and the learning platform? What should we be monitoring, tracking, and changing?
  • What messaging should we be sending to those who register in the learning platform but then do not purchase a course? How can we get past attendees to purchase further courses?
  • What else should we be thinking of related to marketing as we continue to grow our business.
  • How do we better leverage other content we have created to build our brand recognition and credibility in the market? For example, we have created #ASKKSAProTips videos to link to our course offerings but are not sure we are using these correctly.

We are also in the process of developing a unique and new product for the profession which offers another unique aspect to our business. We are in very early stages of development and this will feed into the continued growth of our company.

About the company

ASK KSA Consulting Inc., is a national business providing consulting and advisory services to small- and mid-sized public accounting firms (SMPs) to help ensure they are conducting assurance engagements in an effective and efficient manner and meeting the requirements of being in public practice. Areas of practice include monitoring, file inspections and file efficiency reviews, standards compliance assessment and engagement quality reviews. A large component of the business is also developing and delivering specialized in-house training courses to firms in addition to the online on demand professional development courses. ASK KSA's objective is to help practitioners save time and achieve peace of mind.