Video & Blogging Content Creation Project

Canada's Virtual Assistant
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience or paid work
Communications Advertising Digital marketing Social media marketing
marketing strategies video editing marketing content creation detail oriented creative writing blogs editing writing search engine optimization
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Our team is looking for a student for a video content/blogging project. We use videos as a marketing tool for SEO purposes as well as to educate our readers and followers. You will increase your video editing and marketing skills - as well as your creative writing skills.

The primary project requirements include:

1. Creating & Editing Video

2. Crafting 12 blogs

Deliverables for the Project [80 Hours]

1. Video [45 hours, 45 videos to create - they take about an hour each]

  • Transform blogs to videos with a program we use, and edit the video. Help boost our SEO and marketing efforts through video.

*Strong attention to detail needed

2. Blog Writing [35 hours 3 hours per blog[

  • Craft 12 blogs with SEO for the website to rank
  • 800 words per
  • A Content calendar will be provided
  • Edit the blogs with provided feedback and tools

Start June 15th

Week 1: 3 blogs, 20 videos

Wk 2: 6 blogs, 10 videos

Wk3: 3 blogs, 15 videos

It is intended to be a 3- 4 week project, can always work faster if you have the time.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Create 45 videos (blog > video)

Write 12 original blogs

About the company

We are a boutique virtual assistant agency that helps busy entrepreuners.