Integrated Marketing Communications Consultancy

Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
creative work media planning public relations planning strategic communications
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

1. Our focus is on reaching Millennials with drug and/or alcohol addiction to inform them of our alternative non 12 step approach to recovery. We are focused on returning this person to their full and healthy potential. We would like to be confident that we are using the correct messaging and messaging tools to reach this audience.

2. Our goal is to evaluate our present marketing to determine if it appropriate for this audience. Success would be measured by results to include increased calls based on our marketing efforts.

3. Gulf Breeze Recovery is changing the future of addiction treatment. This non-12 step holistic drug treatment facility is on the water overlooking Pensacola Beach, FL. We offer a unique and individualized approach for patients who struggle with chronic relapse . Gulf Breeze Recovery helps their guests break free to lead a successful life without the need for weekly meetings or sponsors.

A complete campaign plan book containing (1 per 5-6 person team):

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Problem Statement: FROM THE CLIENT BRIEF
    1. Situation Analysis (Secondary Research)
    2. Problems and Opportunities (SWOT)
  • Primary Research (qualitative and quantitative): FROM THE RESEARCH BRIEF
    1. All methodologies
    2. Describe composition of participants (age, ethnicity, city of residence, psychographic information)
    3. Include discussion guide or questionnaire
    4. Findings
  • Creative Recommendations: FROM THE CREATIVE BRIEF
    1. Must include the creative brief and all creative tactics or executions
    2. Outline Campaign Objectives and Creative Strategy
    3. Include Creative Tactics (Creative Work) with brief explanation of media channel and execution
  • Media Plan with all its sections (social media, online advertising, offline marketing, etc.)
  • Public Relations plan
  • Administrative Implementation Section:
    1. Budget - All projected campaign costs to be included here, including agency fees.
    2. Implementation Schedule - Flowchart
    3. Human Resource Considerations
  • Evaluation Section: How will campaign success be measured
  • Limitations
  • Bibliography
  • Appendix: all documents used in the development of the campaign, for example, include the full discussion guide or questionnaire
  • Brief Student Bio (one paragraph on each team member with photo)

About the company
  • Unknown website
  • Unknown industries
No description provided