Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions

I attest that I have adhered to ICT Ignite Plus Terms and Conditions:


I confirm that the learner has completed the required project deliverables within 80 hours


I approve the final deliverables submitted by the learner

Individual endorsement
Leadership Teamwork Helpfulness Nextjs Nodejs Prisma Postgresql Redux Tailwindcss Typescript

I would trust Alric with great and difficult tasks and would have no issue in putting him in a Leadership position due to his skills and attitude towards the job, the team and life in general it seems. There was never a point where Alric wasn't willing to help anyone with any part of the project and help solve any problem that came up. He was definitely an asset on the team

Team feedback
Alric was seen as the most helpful member of the team by nearly every team member. He never hesitated to offer assistance no matter the task and was always present and engaged in group meetings. He quickly stood out as a leader in coding skill, teamwork, and support of everyone who needed a hand no matter their skill level. He was always the first to volunteer to assist. I would be more than happy to give a heartfelt and deep reference. Skills can always be learned but attitude is there or not. With Alric it was there from day one.
Python (programming language) Application programming interface (api) Sql (programming language) Needs assessment Web development Artificial intelligence
Credence Holmes
ICT Ignite Plus - Web Development
YourBeat Inc. - Website Development - Basic Back End DB - Artists 01
Python (programming language) Application programming interface (api) Sql (programming language) Needs assessment Web development Artificial intelligence
Created At
January 31, 2024