Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions
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  • Team feedback

    We valued Yan’s proactive approach during our weekly check-in calls, where she presented potential solutions to the challenges she encountered while working on the project. This helped us gain a deeper understanding of her perspective on the project. However, we feel there is room for improvement in terms of the project’s overall time management and communication outside of the check-in calls. For future projects, we encourage Yan to prioritize asking questions promptly whenever faced with uncertainties, rather than waiting days to address obstacles and explain the reasons for lack of progress. It is worth noting that Yan demonstrated increased efficiency following our check-in calls, and she deserves recognition for maintaining effective communication with her project partner throughout the whole project.
    Content creation Generative artificial intelligence Chatgpt Research
    Junior Business Developer
    Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
    Blog content creation and testing using ChatGPT
    Content creation Generative artificial intelligence Chatgpt Research
    Created At
    June 28, 2023