Master of Business Analytics (MBAN) Summer Internship

UBC Sauder School of Business
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Special Projects Coordinator
  • Graduate
  • 375 hours per learner
  • Dates set by projects
  • Learners apply to projects
Preferred companies
  • 2/5 project matches
  • Anywhere
  • Payment by employer C$22.00 / hour
  • Any
  • Any industries
Data analysis Market research Operations Project management
business analytics business consulting business strategy data analysis
Learner goals and capabilities

Are you making the most of your data? Do you have a complex business problem that you’d like to solve or shed a new light on? Do you need an extra pair of hands to help solve a challenging business problem? Our summer internships provide your company the opportunity to access top-notch analytics talent from one or more of our Master of Business Analytics students for a fraction of the cost of what external consultants would cost. Depending on the project, there might also be funding available to partially cover some of the costs.

Note: Students are only available to work between July to October and can be hired individually or as a group.

Expected outcomes and deliverables

Depending on the scope of the engagement, project deliverables may include:

  1. A detailed report explaining the work done.
  2. An executive and/or technical presentation that highlights gained insights and achieved results and a decision support tool and accompanying documentation that you can readily use.
Project Examples

Our program’s strong focus on prescriptive analytics ensures that our students can perform a wide range of analytical work, ranging from data mining to building dashboards and developing simulation & mathematical optimization models to solve some of your most complex business problems.

Application Criteria

In scoring your application, your submission will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  1. Projects must have a well-articulated scope statement with clearly defined deliverables that can be achieved within the engagement time frame.
  2. Projects should enable students to apply their academic and professional business skills & expertise in developing solutions to complex/challenging real-world business problems.
  3. The organization must demonstrate it can provide the student(s) with the required resources to ensure a successful project and meet its envisioned deliverables and enough flexibility for student(s) to work remotely.
Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Be available for a scoping conversation to ensure project adequacy and fit.

Ensure the desired outcomes are feasible and reasonable to achieve in the time frame.

Respond to questions and help resolve issues/difficulties in a timely manner.

Assume responsibility for any costs incurred that are directly related to the development of work (e.g. long-distance calls, specialized software licenses, etc.)

Provide timely access to the information, equipment and people needed to do the work.

Contact your University liaison immediately if you see any issue that not resolved to your satisfaction, after discussing it with the student(s).

Supervise and meet with the student(s) virtually at least once a month to review project status and provide guidance and/or feedback for each stage of the project.

Refrain from making changes to the agreed-upon scope of work (unless they are pre-approved by the student(s) and their advisor.