Master's Software Engineering Capstone

Arizona State University (ASU)
Tempe, Arizona, United States
  • Graduate
  • 50 learners; teams of 5
  • 120 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 3/3 project matches
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
  • Any
  • Any industries
General Product or service launch
computer engineering software engineering software design software validation & verification
Project timeline
  • January 14, 2022
    Experience start
  • January 25, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • May 1, 2022
    Experience end

PLEASE NOTE: ASU has many sofware-related majors. This class is for Software Engineering.

This Capstone Project for the Software Engineering program at ASU provides students an opportunity to apply their technical skill and knowledge of engineering principles in a team-oriented development of a complex software project, system, or device. Students will work in teams to develop a product of your choosing from concept to implementation.

Learner skills
Computer engineering, Software engineering, Software design, Software validation & verification

The final project deliverable will include:

  1. Final software code and final written report
  2. Documentation on software developed

Other deliverables may be requested.

Project Examples

Projects proposed are expected to be challenging but have a defined scope that can be completed in one semester by a team of four to six graduate students. Student teams may be either on-campus or online.

Software projects can include but are not limited to:

  • Developing a new application software system.
  • Re-engineering an existing application software system.
  • Creating a visualization tool for data.
  • Creating a recommendation engine.

Past capstone projects have included:

  • Developing a One-Click Non-Profit Customer Relationship Management
  • Creating a platform that helps brands/businesses find & collaborate with social media & online influencers
  • Open Source Cellular IoT
  • Sakai Service and Tool to Manage Student Progress in a Course
  • Redfish Telemetry Client
  • Virtual Reality Application for Pediatric Pain Management
Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Be available for a quick phone call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.

Review deliverables and provide feedback to students in a timely manner.

Provide a dedicated contact who is available to answer periodic emails or phone calls over the duration of the project to address students' questions. (approximately every two weeks)

Recognize that this is primarily an academic activity. Results are not guaranteed.

Provide students with insight on the project context and technology.

Provide feedback to the coordinator and/or instructor on the team’s progress at the culmination of the project.