Marketing Communication

Maple League of Universities
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Associate Professor of Marketing
  • September 15, 2022
    Experience start
  • September 23, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • December 9, 2022
    Experience end
1/1 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Any industries

Experience scope

Advertising Digital marketing Social media marketing
sales & marketing communications strategy marketing strategy
Learner goals and capabilities

Each group of students will work to create a complete integrated marketing communications campaign for a company/organization/non-for-profit. They will do a significant amount of research to acquire information about the organization, competitors, environment which will help them design a campaign that is tailored to company’ needs. The goals and the budget for the marketing communications campaign is provided by the organization.


Any level
60 learners
10 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 6
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Pre-tested ads, slogans, hashtags

Choice of media, timing and etc.

Marketing strategy suggestions and competition analysis

Project timeline
  • September 15, 2022
    Experience start
  • September 23, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • December 9, 2022
    Experience end

Project Examples


The main goal of this course is for students to learn how to create an integrated marketing campaign for a client-based project. The project starts with objectives and budget set by the client. The students then briefly work on the analysis of external and internal environment, competition, positioning and differentiation. Next, the students suggest a detailed marketing communication campaign which include design of ads, slogans, hashtags and etc. They also do ad-pretesting, choose media execution strategy, timing and stay within the budget the client indicates. We usually have 1 class for in class client - class presentation where the goals are set by the client and students can ask questions. The rest of the semester the students may on some occasions email the client with clarification questions. At the end of semester, best teams present in front of the client and the winner is determined.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox