Business Document Creation

COMM 390
UBC Sauder School of Business
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Emily Masching
Product Owner
  • September 16, 2018
    Experience start
  • November 9, 2018
    Midway Check In
  • December 14, 2018
    Experience end
  • Undergraduate; 3rd year
  • 20 learners; teams of 4
  • 15 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 1 projects wanted
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
  • Any
  • Any industries
research analysis business writing marketing
Project timeline
  • September 16, 2018
    Experience start
  • November 9, 2018
    Midway Check In
  • December 14, 2018
    Experience end
Learner goals and capabilities

UBC Sauder Business students will work in groups to develop a requested written document for your organization. Groups will each present a final document for you to choose from.

Expected outcomes and deliverables

Phase 1 – Project Plan: Students will meet with organization representative(s) to devise the project scope and prepare a detailed plan for completion of the project.

Phase 2 – Project Execution: Students will work on deliverables outlined in the project plan. Teams will periodically communicate with organization representative(s) as needed to complete project tasks.

Phase 3 - Outcome - Report: Each student group will submit a written report (or other document, as determined in Phase 1). Your organization will select the best document to use.

Project Examples

Starting mid-September, a class of students working in teams four will spend 1,200 collective hours creating multiple versions of a business for you to choose from.

Based on significant research, they will write and present a useful final document for your exclusive use.

Project examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Designing or responding to an RFP.
  • Researching and writing a business case around your specific challenge.
  • Completing a short consultant-style report on a particular issue.
  • Creating an investor pitch deck.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Provide students with general background information on your business and your goals for the project. (No financial or other proprietary information required.)

Provide a dedicated contact who will be available to answer periodic emails or phone calls over the duration of the project to address student’s questions or provide additional information.

Minimum of 2-4 interactions with the students in-person or remotely (approximately 4-6 hours over the duration of the project).