Arts and Culture Marketing

COMM 3271
Maple League of Universities
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Rosemary Polegato
  • October 1, 2021
    Experience start
  • November 6, 2021
    Project Scope Meeting
  • December 4, 2021
    Experience end
3 projects wanted
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Any, Non profit
Arts, Media & production, Publishing & printing

Experience scope

Marketing strategy
consumer strategy business consulting marketing strategy communication
Learner goals and capabilities

Student-consultants will analyze and address your organization's most pressing marketing questions for your small, non-profit arts and culture organization.


Any level
20 learners
90 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 5
Expected outcomes and deliverables
  • 90 hours of student effort
  • 10-page, double-spaced report with Executive Summary report detailing marketing solutions
  • Final presentation (attendance required)
  • Please note that the student team will not be permitted to work directly on social media accounts, although they may make recommendations.
Project timeline
  • October 1, 2021
    Experience start
  • November 6, 2021
    Project Scope Meeting
  • December 4, 2021
    Experience end

Project Examples


Each year for more than a decade, students have created and implemented an off-campus program for Culture Days. The class is a mix of music, drama, fine arts, and business students.

In teams of 3, student-consultants will spend 90 hours analyzing your potential for developing your audience and connecting with your community. The student team will work towards creating strategies that will seek to answer one or more of your marketing-related questions.

Projects may include, but are not limited to:

  • How should we go about fundraising for a special project?
  • How can we create a total aesthetic experience?
  • How should we promote our programs?
  • How can we connect more closely with our community?
  • Is there opportunity to scale our prices?

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox