Winter 2022 Comparative International Strategy

BSAD 452
Maple League of Universities
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Mark Fuller
He / Him
Full Professor
  • January 31, 2022
    Experience start
  • February 8, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • March 10, 2022
    Midway Check in
  • April 8, 2022
    Experience end
3 projects wanted
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Small to medium enterprise
Any industries

Experience scope

Leadership Organizational structure Communications Market research Marketing strategy
competitive analysis business strategy marketing strategy research financial forecasting; communication
Learner goals and capabilities

Are you considering expanding your company and exploring global markets? In this project, student-researchers will work in teams to apply their business acumen and creativity to develop an International Business plan for your product/service. One international target market will be chosen after an analysis of industry landscape, socioeconomic trends, cultural, regulatory, and financial analysis. We are particularly interested in environmental-related (land, water, pollution, conservation, waste reduction, etc.) projects as our students include both business students and environment science students.


Any level
8 learners
100 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 5
Expected outcomes and deliverables

The final project deliverables will include a comprehensive written report (60-80 pages) that includes the following key components (as appropriate to the context) and a business presentation:

  • Country assessment for the product(s) or service(s) in question.
  • External and internal environmental scanning.
  • Marketing strategy
  • Marketing budgets
  • Operational strategy
  • Financial analysis
  • Schedules, task descriptions, resource allocations, and timelines for implementation
Project timeline
  • January 31, 2022
    Experience start
  • February 8, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • March 10, 2022
    Midway Check in
  • April 8, 2022
    Experience end

Project Examples


Based on your budget, business goals, and target customer, students will brainstorm possibilities for a new product or service to contribute to your existing offering.

The following elements will make a part of the comprehensive project - some examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Innovating an existing product or product line to reach a new international target market
  • Identifying which international market to enter (including a brief market entry strategy)
  • Outlining how to enter an international market (including identification of key risks, estimated costs, and launch strategies).
  • Providing tactical or operational recommendations for a defined market entry/expansion strategy (i.e. hiring/management strategies, cultural norms, and laws/regulations)
  • Identifying potential international partners for international expansion, and providing a brief strategic overview.
  • Providing detailed pro forma statements for the next 3 years on international market expansion

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox