Kyle Lacroix
Kyle Lacroix

Latest feedback

Recent projects

Self Justice Inc.
Self Justice Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Digital Marketing

We would like to collaborate with students to review and post content promoting our company.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our target market, products and services.Reviewing marketing content in the form of posts, emails, brochures, etc.Deploying content according to our social media calendar to increase website traffic.Overseeing our channels and keeping them up-to-date.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending search engine optimization (SEO) strategies so our materials are easily accessible.

Matches 4
Category Social media marketing + 2
Self Justice Inc.
Self Justice Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Creating Graphic Design Assets

Our company has had the same design assets, and although we have enjoyed this branding, we are looking to revamp and update our brand book. This may involve: Creating a new branding guide that is new, but still aligned with our existing branding including fonts, colors, logo usage and imagery to be used.Meeting with the project manager to evaluate the choices made for the branding book to ensure it is aligned with company branding goals, and making any necessary revisions.Designing and presenting thumbnails for design assets (banner ad, illustration, infographic, etc) based on the branding guide to be included in a proposal and presented to the project manager.Executing the full designs for each branding asset using Canva, based on the approved thumbnails.Creating multiple thumbnails with different color schemes based on the colors in the branding guide.

Matches 4
Category Graphic design + 3
Self Justice Inc.
Self Justice Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Law Content Editing

We would like to collaborate with Law students to edit and review our written materials.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our organization.Identifying general areas for improvement in our writing.Correcting grammar mistakes.Verifying content for accuracy and consistency.Reviewing citations for accuracy and consistency.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Developing guidelines for writing and editing for future

Matches 4
Category Media + 2
Self Justice Inc.
Self Justice Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Digital Content

Our company advertises thousands of products online. We hope to revamp our social media and email marketing content to attract more customers.We would like students to help us create content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our company’s products, marketing goals and target market.Researching factors affecting the quality of digital content.Recommending changes to existing digital content and designing new social media posts and emails.Recommending and designing new digital content not already used by our company.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Testing and improving designs based on feedback.

Matches 3
Category Communications + 3