Leila Kubesch
Leila Kubesch
Leila Kubesch
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

I direct a not-for profit as a volunteer, working to ensure cultural understanding between school staff and the diverse families that they serve. I am also starting my own business as an educator leader aspiring to empower and inspire educators all over the world.

Market research Competitive analysis Advertising Marketing strategy Social media marketing


Recent projects

Parents 2 Partners
Parents 2 Partners
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Empower and inspire educators in K-12 setting

The goal of this project is to offer value to educators who seek to find creative ways to engage their community and offer an outreach to their students and families. Also to offer meaningful projects for our interns by allowing them to share their talent to make a difference.

Matches 4
Category Communications + 4
Parents 2 Partners
Parents 2 Partners
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

App Development - Empower a Not-for-Profit Organization

We are a not for profit organization comprised of professional volunteers. Our team is 100% volunteers and we speak to schools around the country and on some occasions are invited to speak in Canada and Mexico. We speak to large audiences of about 1200 educators. At the end of our keynotes, a lot of people line up to talk to us and then they leave because the lines are too long. We would love an app that offers attendees a QR code to connect with us. We need feedback, opportunities to be referred to do talks and invited as often as possible. Or the chance to get their email contact so we may send them the slides or upcoming information.We aspire to empower and elevate educators around the world. The main speaker in our organization is the State and National Teacher of the Year as well as the 2022 National Teacher Hall of Fame. We speak on inclusion, youth and teacher empowerment. We found an app called TALKaDOT but it cost $400 in U.S currency.

Matches 1
Category Graphic design + 4
Parents 2 Partners
Parents 2 Partners
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Help Us Empower Educators!

The goal for this project is to enlist participants with various skills and talents to share with Parents2Partners, a not for profit organization aimed at empower educators better serve their diverse youth and their families. Students may conduct research on how to communicate with immigrant families, how to empower them then share this in a blog or report that would be published on our website.

Matches 2
Category Event planning + 4
Parents 2 Partners
Parents 2 Partners
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Digital Content Creation

We would like students to help us with creating content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector. We will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what these elements are for our organization. Help us research the reason for teachers leaving the profession in the U.S and what can we do to attract new educators and retain the current ones/.We need the research to help our organization prepare training to help address these issues.If you like the sound of our culture, and are ready to tackle this challenge with us, then we'd love to hear from you.

Matches 0
Category Social media marketing + 4