Marketing and Communication Strategy for Sol Air Eau

Sol Air Eau
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Project Manager
Preferred learners
  • Quebec, Canada
  • Academic experience or paid work
Marketing Branding & style guides Communications Competitive analysis Digital marketing Social media marketing
target audience content marketing digital marketing advertising campaigns customer engagement brand awareness communication marketing brand communication communication strategies
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is to develop a comprehensive marketing and communication strategy for Sol Air Eau to increase brand awareness, improve customer engagement, drive traffic to the company's platforms, and strengthen credibility and trust with clients and prospects.

This will involve several different steps for the students, including:

- Developing multimedia content such as photos, videos, GIFs, and other visual supports for advertising campaigns and brand communication initiatives.

- Creating a digital marketing strategy to promote the brand on online platforms, including social media, search engines, and websites, using content marketing, SEO, and paid advertising techniques.

- Designing and executing advertising campaigns across various communication channels to reach target audiences with persuasive messages and creative materials to generate engagement and conversions.

- Monitoring and analyzing the performance of marketing campaigns and communication initiatives, using analytics tools to evaluate effectiveness, identify trends and improvement opportunities, and adjust strategies accordingly.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, students should complete the following list of activities:

- Developed multimedia content for advertising campaigns and brand communication initiatives.

- Created a digital marketing strategy for promoting the brand on online platforms.

- Designed and executed advertising campaigns across various communication channels.

- Monitored and analyzed the performance of marketing campaigns and communication initiatives.

Final deliverables:

- A detailed report outlining the developed marketing and communication strategy, including multimedia content, digital marketing plans, and campaign execution details.

- A presentation explaining the strategy and its expected impact on brand awareness, customer engagement, and traffic generation.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

At our company, we prioritize empowering students to excel in their projects. To ensure their success, we offer comprehensive support in various aspects:

  1. Supervisor Guidance: Each student will be assigned a dedicated supervisor who will provide continuous guidance throughout the project. The supervisor will offer insights, direction, and constructive feedback to steer the project towards successful completion.
  2. Access to Company Tools and Technologies: Students will have unrestricted access to our company's state-of-the-art tools and technologies relevant to their project. Whether it's software, hardware, or specialized equipment, students will have the resources they need to execute their tasks efficiently.
  3. Regular Check-ins and Progress Reviews: To keep projects on track, we conduct regular check-ins and progress reviews with students and their supervisors. These sessions provide an opportunity to assess progress, address challenges, and adjust strategies if necessary.
  4. Collaborative Environment: Our company fosters a collaborative environment where students can engage with experts across various domains. This facilitates knowledge sharing, idea exchange, and networking opportunities that enrich the project experience.
About the company

Groupe SolAirEau est une entreprise dynamique et innovante, spécialisée dans le domaine de l'inspection environnementale et de l'analyse de contaminants. Fondée en 2015, nous avons rapidement évolué pour devenir un acteur clé dans notre secteur, grâce à notre équipe multidisciplinaire de professionnels hautement qualifiés en génie chimique, microbiologique, géologique, et en génie de l'environnement. Notre mission principale est d'inspecter, de prélever, et d'analyser des échantillons susceptibles de contenir des contaminants, pour ensuite fournir à nos clients un rapport de caractérisation détaillé, accompagné de recommandations professionnelles sur les mesures à prendre si nécessaire.
Nos services incluent une gamme complète de solutions environnementales, notamment l'analyse de sol, la détection d'amiante et de moisissures, ainsi que des inspections et la rédaction de rapports détaillés. Nous sommes dédiés à offrir des prélèvements de qualité, respectant scrupuleusement la réglementation de la CNESST et les normes de sécurité. Nous utilisons des techniques et équipements adaptés pour chaque type de prélèvement, assurant ainsi la crédibilité scientifique de nos résultats. En outre, nos analyses en laboratoire sont effectuées par des professionnels certifiés dans un laboratoire accrédité, suivant des protocoles établis par des organismes reconnus comme Santé Canada et l'IRSST.
Nos valeurs sont fondées sur l'engagement à apporter des solutions concrètes et durables à nos clients, tout en respectant les délais convenus. Nous privilégions une approche client-centrée, en restant à l'écoute et en communiquant de manière transparente et continue tout au long de nos projets. Chez Groupe SolAirEau, nous sommes fiers de notre capacité à offrir des services de qualité supérieure, reflétant notre engagement envers l'excellence et l'intégrité dans tous nos domaines d'activité.