Innova Farms
Innova Farms
Innova Farms
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Company website
Number of employees
0 - 1 employees

Innova Farms is an AgTech startup focused on developing innovative and sustainable solutions for food production. The company's mission is to address the pressing challenges facing the global agriculture industry, such as resource scarcity, environmental degradation, and food insecurity. Innova Farms' cutting-edge technologies and practices aim to revolutionize the way food is grown, distributed, and consumed. Through the use of advanced data analytics, automation, and renewable energy integration, Innova Farms is committed to enabling more efficient, environmentally-friendly, and socially responsible agricultural systems. As the company looks to expand into the Canadian market, its market research project on Riipen will be critical to informing its strategic growth plans and ensuring its sustainable AgTech solutions can have maximum impact.

Agriculture Technology

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