SafePlace International
SafePlace International
San Francisco, California, United States

SafePlace International Operations Playbook Development

SafePlace International is seeking to enhance its business continuity planning (BCP) by developing a comprehensive Operations Playbook. This project aims to ensure that the organization can maintain critical functions during emergencies and disruptions. The team will work with the BCP committee to conduct thorough research on current HR processes, analyze existing emergency procedures, and identify gaps. The goal is to create a detailed and actionable Playbook that outlines standard operating procedures, emergency response protocols, and continuity strategies. Additionally, the team will support the committee with the planning and execution of BCP tests and training initiatives to ensure staff are well-prepared for various scenarios. This project provides an opportunity for learners to apply their knowledge of business operations, HR management, and emergency planning in a real-world context.

Admin Rachael LeClear
Matches 1
Category Training & development + 4

Impact Analysis of LGBTQI+ Community Outreach Initiatives in Africa

The main goal is to catalog, analyze, and provide an engaging presentation of the impact of the community outreach initiatives and strategies by SafePlace International and its key partners aimed at increasing the acceptance of LGBTQI+ people in previously hostile, often faith-based communities across Africa.

Admin Rachael LeClear
Matches 0
Category Community engagement + 1

HR Transformation for SafePlace International

The main goal for the project is to help SafePlace International recruit, develop, and properly support a highly skilled and passionate team to execute its mission of amplifying the voices ofmarginalized communities to build a world that’s safer, more inclusive, and filled with joy.Specifically, we're looking for help in analyzing and optimizing our HR practices, as well as practical assistance with elements such as recruitment, hiring, onboarding, professional development and training, team engagement and satisfaction, and employee motivation and performance.

Admin Rachael LeClear
Matches 1
Category Employee retention + 4

Creating Graphic Design and Digital Marketing Assets and Templates

SafePlace International has new brand and visual identity guidelines, and we need help utilizing them! The goal of this project is to create graphic design and digital marketing templates and assets for web, social media, and print use. The files should be in Canva and easy to use for long-term volunteers to carry the work forward. We would also love to have a training guide on how to use and adapt the templates for variety and to accommodate content as needed.

Admin Rachael LeClear
Matches 0
Category Branding & style guides + 3